For Sale / Se Vende

by Julian

We have now moved ashore. Much as we would like to be, we are not a family with the means to keep a yacht and live in a house. So Carina is up for sale. We have put an advert on ‘Apollo Duck’, but for various reasons I don’t want to replicate it, or link to it from this post. If anyone is interested in the details they are welcome to contact us through the ‘contact’ link on this blog page. Carina is currently on the Rio Guadiana between the Portuguese town of Alcoutim and the Spanish town of Sanlucar de Guadiana. Some pictures of life onboard can be found in the post ‘A Tour of Carina‘. The autumn rains have finally arrived, much to the relief of the local farmers. Several boats have recently arrived on the river, either in preparation to cross the Atlantic this Autumn or to travel further east, into the Mediterranean. A few have arrived to take advantage of the relative shelter of the Guadiana and possibly overwinter onboard. I wonder how many will leave here and how many will settle down.

A few pictures of Carina from the blog. The oldest of these pictures is of her in slings in 2014.